Legal notices.


Legal notice: administrative informations

  • Company name : WAKEUP CAMPERVANS
  • Legal status: SAS Unipersonnelle
  • Capital : 5 000€
  • Email :
  • RCS Number :
  • VAT Number :
  • APE number :
  • Head office address : 122 lieu dit Mezzana, 20290 Lucciana
  • Person responsible for the publication : Quentin BARRAUD

Legal notice: Terms and conditions of use of the website and the services offered

First of all, the use of the website implies the full acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. We can amend or supplement them at any time. We invite users of to visit them on a regular basis. This site is accessible at any time, except for technical maintenance reasons.

Legal information: description of the services provided

In addition, provides as accurate information as possible on the activities of the company. However, Wakeup Campervans shall not be liable for any omissions, inaccuracies or deficiencies in the update, whether as a result of Wakeup Campervans or the information provided by third-party partners.

All information provided on the site may change. They are not exhaustive.

Legal notice: contractual limitations on technical data

Furthermore, the website is not responsible for material damage related to its use. In addition, the user agrees to access the site using recent, virus-free material and with an updated browser of the latest generation.

Legal notice: limitations of liability

Also, Wakeup Campervans is not responsible for direct and indirect damages caused to the user’s material, when accessing the site.

Legal notice: hyperlinks and cookies.

Furthermore, the website contains hypertext links to other sites. Wakeup Campervans does not have the possibility to verify the total accuracy of the content of these sites, and will therefore assume no responsibility for this fact.

Browsing the Wakeup Campervans website may cause the installation of cookie(s) on the user’s computer. A cookie is a small file. It does not allow the identification of the user, but it records information relating to its navigation. The data obtained are intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site. They are also intended to allow various measures of attendance.

Legal notice: applicable law and jurisdiction.

Finally, any dispute relating to the use of the website is subject to French law. The competent courts of Bastia shall have exclusive jurisdiction.